Learning Note

Diary in English

book : I say, You say

I read English picture book, "I say, You say" to study English.

This is the story about chick who exchange his call from other animals.

とりかえっこ (CDつき えいごでよむ名作えほん)

とりかえっこ (CDつき えいごでよむ名作えほん)

book : Waiting for a Boiled Egg.

I read English picture book, "Waiting for a Boiled Egg."

This book is for kids, so it seemed to be easy to read for me. But actually it's not so easy. Especially names of animals or birds, and imitative word. These words don't appear in high school English and business English.:-)

ゆでたまごまーだ (CDつきえいごでよむ名作えほん)

ゆでたまごまーだ (CDつきえいごでよむ名作えほん)

Movie "Sherlock Holmes"

Today I saw the US movie "Sherlock Holmes".

Directerd by Guy Ritchie.

Cast : Robert Downey, Jr. (as Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (as Dr. John Watson), and so on.

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Movie "Up in the Air"

Japanese title is "Mileage, My life". Mileage means frequent flier point or frequent flier program (FFP).

Up in the Air (Movie Tie-in Edition)

Up in the Air (Movie Tie-in Edition)